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Watermelon Fizz

Fresh Strawberry Marg-alrightas

Rum Caramel Cake

Sweet Baby Jack Carrot Cake

Classic Chocolate Fondue

Good Eats Roast Turkey

4th of July

Presto Pasta

Grilled Chicken with Spicy Ginger Vinaigrette

Apricot Puff Pastry Twists with Vanilla Ice Cream

Grilled Vegetable Salad

Warm Vegetable Salad

Grilled Quail with Bacon Barbecue Glaze

Chicken or Steak with Balsamic BBQ Sauce

    cambodia buddhism


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    cambodia buddhism Empty cambodia buddhism

    Post  Admin Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:38 pm


    Theravada Buddhism is the religion of virtually all of the ethnic Khmers, who constitute about 90% or more of the Cambodian population. Buddhism originated in what are now north India and Nepal during the sixth century B.C. Theravada Buddhism is a tolerant, non-prescriptive religion that does not require belief in a supreme being. Its precepts require that each individual take each individual take full responsibility for his own actions and omissions. Buddhism is based on three concepts: dharma (the doctrine of the Buddha, his guide to right actions and belief)
    [size=9]karma (the belief that one’s life now and in future lives depends upon one’s own deeds and misdeeds and that as an individual one is responsible for, and rewarded on the basis of, the sum total of one’s acts and act’s incarnations past and present); and sangha, the ascetic community within which man can improve his karma.

    The Buddhist salvation is nirvana, a final extinction of one’s self. Nirvana may be attained by achieving good karma through earning much merit and avoiding misdeeds. A Buddhist’s pilgrimage through existence is a constant attempt to distance himself or herself from the world and finally to achieve complete detachment, or nirvana. The fundamentals of Buddhist doctrine are the Four Noble Truths: suffering exits; craving (or desire) is the cause of suffering; release from suffering can be achieved by stopping all desire; and enlightenment – Buddha hood – can be attained by following the Noble Eightfold Path (right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration), which constitutes a middle way between sensuality and asceticism.

    Enlightenment consists of knowing these truths. The average layperson cannot hope for nirvana after the end of this life, but can by complying, as best he or she is able to, with the doctrine’s rules of moral conduct-hope to improve his or her karma and thereby better his condition in the next incarnation.

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