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Watermelon Fizz

Fresh Strawberry Marg-alrightas

Rum Caramel Cake

Sweet Baby Jack Carrot Cake

Classic Chocolate Fondue

Good Eats Roast Turkey

4th of July

Presto Pasta

Grilled Chicken with Spicy Ginger Vinaigrette

Apricot Puff Pastry Twists with Vanilla Ice Cream

Grilled Vegetable Salad

Warm Vegetable Salad

Grilled Quail with Bacon Barbecue Glaze

Chicken or Steak with Balsamic BBQ Sauce

    how to sleep and walk?????????


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    how to sleep and walk????????? Empty how to sleep and walk?????????

    Post  Admin Thu May 22, 2008 11:17 pm

    Every culture trains its children to become good members of society in order to insure harmony, peace, and stability. Cambodian parents teach their children how to sleep and walk. For the parents, the values below capture the essence of a well-mannered Cambodian.

    How to Sleep

    You must wake up before sunrise or you are lazy.

    Sleeping places in the home are determined according to status. (Cambodian families often live in one or two rooms, and everyone sleeps on the same bed, a large slatted wooden platform about eight- or ten-feet suare. The parents sleep at the "head" end and the youngest children sleep at the "foot".)

    How to Walk

    Tell people where you are going and when you are coming back. (This is important to show respect to others and to keep them from being embarrassed if someone asks and they don't know where you are.)

    If someone of higher status is passing you, bend lower (from the waist) than that person.

    Don't make sounds with your skirt when you walk.

    Don't wear shoes or hats when you enter a house or temple.

    Close doors softly when you go through them.

    When you meet someone on the street, ask where they are going.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 3:32 pm